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Armed robberies reported, Police asks for input from the community. (UPDATED)

confiscatedhandgun21092014PHILIPSBURG:--- No less than 6 armed robberies on supermarkets were reported during September 15th through September 20th, 2014. These robberies took place in the areas of Nazareth, Sucker Garden, Fort Willem and Cole Bay. During these robberies the sales profit of the day or at least part thereof was taken from the cash register by masked suspects armed mainly with guns and who would not hesitate to use them. During one robbery one victim suffered an injury to his head. They robbers sometimes would also use weapons such machetes, knives and even baseball bats. This number of robberies committed is quite "an eye opener" and the police department is doing its utmost to catch these culprits and put them behind bars. Several of these robberies have been recorded by means of security surveillance cameras. Some of these robberies took place during the light of day or at night and were committed mostly by two or more suspects. While viewing these security tapes it was very noticeable that several persons were in the immediate area while the robbery is taking place and witnessed the entire incident. There are also witnesses who may have seen suspicious behavior of these persons prior to a robbery, but are reluctant to note down specific information concerning the robbers and vehicle used in the robbery which the police can use during the investigation. (Specifics such as: approximate height, weight, direction the suspects fled into, license plate number, type and color of vehicle used, etc.) In most cases the police do not have all the necessary information to effectively carry-out their investigation and is more than willing to work along with the community to solve any case. The amount of eyes and ears increases when the community and police work together, which greatly increases the chances of catching those responsible for these criminal acts. Of great importance is; that when a crime is witnessed by anyone in the community, is to have it immediately reported to the police (calling 911), who can immediately "follow-up" on the information that was given to them. All in all the community plays a very essential role during any investigation which the police is quite aware of. The question is if the community is also aware how important their participation is during any investigation. Crime is not only a problem to be handled by police, it's everybody's problem. The community in partnership with the police should play an active role in crime prevention and fighting crime by giving the police any information they may have to help combat crime in general. In doing so; the community will definitely be taking the necessary measures to help prevent crime from knocking at their door.

Two arrested for illegal firearm possession.

On Friday September 19th, 2014 at approximately 8:00pm, a police patrol stopped a white Suzuki Swift with no license plate in the front with heavily tinted windows. As the investigating officers approached this vehicle they smelled a very strong scent of marijuana coming from the inside of the car. Both the driver and the passenger were ordered to exit the vehicle which they did. Both suspects with initials H.R. (27) and D.D. (24) were searched. While searching the D.D. who was the driver of the car the police found a loaded .45 caliber pistol stuck in his waist. D.D. and H.R. were arrested on the spot. As the search continued in the vehicle a small plastic bag containing an small amount of marijuana was found. The pistol and the drugs were confiscated for further investigation.

Supermarket robbed at gunpoint.

On Sunday September 21st, 2014 at approximately 9:40am, police patrols and detectives were sent to "Le Grand Marche" located on Rhine Road in Porto Cupe Coy for an armed robbery. On the scene the investigating officer were told that two masked and armed men stormed into the establishment with guns in their hands threatening everyone present. While in the establishment they succeeded in stealing an amount of cash and an iPhone. After committing this act the two robbers fled the building and jumped into a small car driven by another suspect and left the premises. This case is under investigation by the Special Robbery Unit.

 KPSM Police Report

Networking communication from Victims

Our cameras saw them enter the property -- a lime green Daihatsu Sirion - P128 between 9:15am and 9:30am --- and leave about 5 minutes later. They entered the store (2 of them while the third remained in the
car) wearing masks and carrying handguns and left only 2 1/2 minutes later. They did steal money but fortunately no one was injured.
I am told that the Police found the car abandoned -- a stolen car with plates that had also been stolen and switched. This is the sort of hit and run robbery that is very difficult to stop. We have however
immediately instituted a new security policy which I strongly suggest everyone begin --- while we cannot stop every car that enters Porto Cupecoy, since we do want to encourage the public to shop here, if a car
has heavily tinted windows we will stop them and check and log their identification. If they refuse to produce ID, they will be turned away. Heavily tinted windows is against the law on both sides of the
Island but not severely enforced -- even the though it is to the benefit and safety of the Police. We can enforce it on our property and I would like to see everyone establish the same policy if they can.
Bill OlliverResident ManagerPorto Cupecoy
On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 1:14 PM, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:
Armed robbery at Gourmet Marche in Porto Cupecoy this morning
Stay alert, be aware of your surroundings again.

To everyone,
Networking between us is happening faster than ever before. This is very good.
I was in the store at 9:30 A.M. and two officers were already there. The police were called from upstairs, because the cell phone of the manager Pawan, was stolen. At the beginning of the robbery, one of the
burglars went into Pawan's office. The other one held a gun to the cashier's chest and told her he would shoot her if she didn't give him the money from her register. A customer's cell phone was also stolen.
From what I've heard verbally from people working in the store at the time, the robbers got $400.00 and two cell phones. No AUC medical students were in the store at the time.
The robbers apparently got through security because their car had a Dutch license plate, was a modern model, and had tinted windows. Tinted windows are illegal. Former Prime Minister let that one fall through
the cracks. Read below from Bill, and you will know the rest.
Our purpose and top priority is to increase the safety and security of everyone within our region.
Hearty thanks to Mike Kanaby for notifying those at AUC tomorrow to stay alert and vigilent, to Rudy Engel and Kathryn Behrisch for being accessible on a Sunday, for the St. Maarten Police who arrived less than
15 minutes after the crime, and especially to Bill Oliver for viewing surveillance tapes and finding the make of the car and the license plate number (car stolen, plates apparently stolen, matched up and found
on the French side abandoned). Bill's implementation of improved security measures at the Porto Cupecoy guard station is excellent, and ultimately practical. I hope it can be duplicated elsewhere. Private
residences need to work their own way through their vulnerability. We are here to support and encourage ideas.
After the new Minister of Justice is installed, it will be time for us as a community to press for (as Hans Behrisch said) border surveillance and/or tightened control.
The new police substation in La Terasse will be opening October 24th, from 4-6 P.M. Stay tuned on that.
I don't now whether the media was notified about this morning's crime. It was not from any of us. Josepha has a meeting to discuss it with his team tomorrow morning, and we'll go from there. Josepha prefers
that media are notified and a release published tomorrow.

Best regards,
Sue Atchley, Ph.D. 

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