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Who is making Big Mistakes MP Elect De Weever?

cdeweever06082014PHILIPSBURG:--- With the current developments concerning the formation of a new government where incumbent Minister of Health and Labor also Member of Parliament (elect) Cornelius de Weever has led on the people of St. Maarten including his party leader and the leaders of the National Alliance and the United St. Maarten Party the question that comes to mind is "who really is making big mistakes"?
MP de Weever made everyone on St. Maarten and around the world believe that he would be part of the broad based government. He also submitted his file to the formateur Marlin who was busy forming the NA/DP/USp government for three weeks before letting go what is dubbed as the 'bomb" that would fall on September 24th, 2014.
On August 6th, 2014 Minister De Weever showed up at the Council of Ministers press briefing with a huge green eraser stating that the members of the United Peoples Party namely Maurice Lake would need a huge eraser to erase the mistakes he made. The Minister was attacking Minister Lake when he said that he is the one that provided a shelter for the fire victims at the St. Peters Community Center.
At the scene of the fire in St. Peters Minister de Weever was overheard saying he will not join a bunch of thieves to form any government. Further he stated at the AVS political debate that greed and loyalty cannot live in the same house.
While the MP elect has a right to make a choice as to what he will do with his future and which political party he will support for the next four years, MP de Weever must remember his own words during the campaign period. Secondly MP de Weever signed a document with the UPP but up to this present moment he did not speak to the 378 voters who chose to vote for him on the Democratic Party slate. Up this moment MP de Weever did not send his party leader Sarah Wescot Williams a letter of resignation to say he has resigned as member of the Democratic Party and will go Independent to form a government with the UPP. Minister de Weever there are basic ethics and moral values one must have when they wants to represent a country and be an example to the younger generation of any country.
Most of all MP de Weever must remember that he did not get elected by preferential votes since the amount of votes needed to elect oneself is half of 967 plus one which which is 485 votes.
SMN News reporter tried several times on Wednesday to reach MP de Weever who has always answered his phone even if he is off island but when this so called "bomb" fell MP de Weever never answered his phone. As reporters it behooves us as to who the Minister was really referring to when he made several statements at the Council of Ministers press briefing attacking the UPP with their plans for a new hospital and other related issues which fell under his portfolio. He claimed to have high standards and stated that he did not take monies from any business for his political campaign. These are all good values and principles which MP de Weever got the respect of the people and those that believed in him. At this moment several persons are questioning if Cornelius de Weever changed overnight or if he planned his move when he got out from the team that was drafting the governing accord. MP de Weever the people of St. Maarten deserve an explanation. As a politician you probably had several issues with your party and never spoke about them. SMN News reporter remembers very well what you went through during your screening process in 2011 before you could have taken up your position as a Minister. However, as an elected official you do owe the people an explanation and you also need to let the people know if you were playing with them when you made the statements you made in order to secure their vote and then dump them on the sidewalk.
As reminder of what Minister de Weever said on August 16th, 2014 readers of SMN News could read the link below.


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