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Former President of Democratic Party Michael Ferrier Resigns from DP.

dplogo23072014PHILIPSBURG:--- Former President of the Democratic Party Michael Ferrier submitted his resignation to the Leader of the Democratic Party Sarah Wescot Williams. SMN News mentioned in an article published last week that several members of the Democratic Party exploded when they heard that their party leader joined forces with the UPP/ De Weever/Marlin coalition. While Ferrier did not confirm or deny his intention last week he dispatched his resignation letter to the media on Sunday.

St. Maarten, October 17, 2014

Mrs. Sarah A. Wescot-Williams
Leader ofthe DEMOCRATIC PARTY ofSt.Maarten
Cole Bay
St. Maarten.

Dear Mrs. Wescot-Williams I Dear Sarah:

Your decision to drastically alter the course set out for the Democratic Party by us through consensus, has caused me to reflect on my own role in the party going forward and as long as you remain Party Leader. While I fully grasp and understand the concept of being IN government to be able to make a meaningful difference in the quality of life for the people of our fledgling "country", I cannot subscribe to abandoning all that we campaigned on and claimed to stand for prior to August 29th, 2014, by joining a government that has been given "life" by a person, or a couple of people from within our own DP ranks who seem to be driven only by power, greed and self interest. Becoming a small fry in a pond filled with so called "friendly Piranha's" will not give this DP any chance of survival, let alone glory.

I am fully aware ofthe fact that as a one-woman faction in a Parliament of 15 members, making any significant difference is practically impossible. Moreover, winding down your own personal political career in such a "tame" fashion, is probably also not so desirable. For this reason I suggested you reach out to your colleague leaders of the two other smaller factions in Parliament and through your strong administrative and motivational skills forge a formidable block in the opposition benches, thereby utilizing a fresh, new approach to force true openness and transparency in Government and Government owned companies. This might not only have resulted in improving the quality of life for all our citizens, but also prevent the blemishing of your good name and
reputation as a woman of integrity and beyond reproach, two traits why I have for the last
15 years until now fiercely defended and supported you.

The first recollection I have of the start of my unwavering support of the Democratic Party for the past 55 years, is riding my bike with a "Vote Claude" flag around town during the campaign for the 1959 Island Council election. The last 15 years have seen me grow from making a successful bid for public office as DP Candidate# 10 in 1999, to being a very vocal part of the "face" of the Democratic Party through September 24,
2014, when our second hard-earned DP Parliamentary seat was unceremoniously hijacked by DP candidate# 2, Cornelius de Weever.

This unexpected despicable act oftreason committed against the remaining 18 DP candidates, whose combined received votes made the second seat a reality for the Democratic Party, not only involuntarily drastically changed our party course, but also caused all the 2,342 DP votes minus your 697 to be counted, but rendered of no consequence! The precious votes cast for the DP because of loyalty to the party and to you, were in essence wasted. How hypocritical our collective presence in that wonderful Thanksgiving church service on August 31st, led by the dynamic Pastor Harrigan and organized by Leona Marlin-Romeo, now seems to me.

In conclusion:

  1. I question why the DP did not fire Cornelius de Weever from the party after he signed an agreement with the UPP, keeping all honors to ourselves;
  2. I question why you may be of the opinion that either you or the DP will be given any credit whatsoever for whatever may go right during the government of the UPP/DP/MARLIN-ROMEO Coalition
  3. I question your belief that under the mum of making the call to take the DP on this 180 degree course deviation "for the good of the citizens of St. Maarten", is what we meant with our DP slogan "LET'S GET IT RIGHT".

On a positive note, I am pleased to see that several professional young people have enthusiastically joined the active management of the DP.

I however, regretfully tender my resignation from the Democratic Party, effective immediately and wish you and the Board much wisdom and God's Speed.

Click here to see the official letter sent to the board of the Democratic Party.

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