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Minister Lake updated on Thursday by NV GEBE on Electricity Restoration.

PHILIPSBURG:---- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake was updated Thursday afternoon by NV GEBE with respect to a small number of homes that are still without electricity in different districts since the passing of Hurricane Gonzalo.

The small number of remaining homes in the districts of St. Peters, South Reward should receive electricity Thursday night. For those in Madame Estate, on Friday; for Mount William Hill, will be Saturday.

For Sucker Garden, Point Blanche, those still without electricity should see services resume on Sunday and for Oyster Pond on Monday.

It's a small number of homes in each district that still had to have electricity service restored. Most homes in all districts already have electricity a day after the hurricane.

The high tension cables came down and had to be completely restored. The low tension cables also had to be restored in each case and reconnected to the house.

NV GEBE crews have been working diligently throughout the country since the passing of hurricane Gonzalo to restore services to customers.

"I would like to apologize to the customers who have been without electricity to date. The damage caused by the passing of Hurricane Gonzalo was extensive with respect to overhead cables, high tension and low tension which still remain above ground.

"I will be sitting down with NV GEBE and requesting them to give priority to have above ground cables placed underground before the next hurricane season. We need to be prepared.

"Other priority areas that I have asked NV GEBE to look into is how to deal with seaweed that collects out into the bay and causes challenges with respect to the cooling systems. Another priority is the relocation of a transformer house which is on the seaside near the plant; and a review and update of the company's communication and emergency plans," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

Minister Lake will be calling for a meeting next week with board and management of NV GEBE to discuss the way forward after the passing of Hurricane Gonzalo.

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