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Prime Minister Wescot-Williams Attends Opening of the Oualichi Women’s Soccer Association Female High school competition.

swescotwilliamsopensfemalesoccercompetition27102014PHILIPSBURG:--- Caretaker Prime Minister the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended the opening of the all-female high school competition organized by the Oualichi Women's Soccer Association on Saturday at the Raoul Illidge Sport's Complex. The Prime Minister opened the matches and wished the students much success and further encouraged the Women's Soccer association to build the sport of Women's Soccer on the island. During the competition spectators, including the Prime Minister saw games played between Sundial and St. Dominic (2-0), Learning Unlimited/ CIA (3-0), Milton Peters College and Sundial (0-3) and MAC and CIA (0-3).

The competition, the first of its kind to only feature female players from the various high schools, will continue on November 8th with more matches.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

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