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Fish In Rolandus Canal to be Removed.

fishinrolanduscanal20112014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Thursday the 20th of November representatives of the St. Maarten Nature Foundation met with the management of Clean St. Maarten and the Ministry of VROMI in order to come up with a plans of approach regarding the numerous tilapia that have been stuck in the Rolandus canal since the heavy rainfall of some weeks ago.

For some time the Nature Foundation has been monitoring the situation and has noticed that the water levels in the canal are of such low levels that the fish face a real danger of dying in the coming days. Consultations between the Minister of VROMI the Honourable Maurice Lake, Clean St. Maarten and the Nature Foundation was held on Thursday in order to come up with a solution on how to tackle the problem. The Tilapia will be removed with the assistance from Clean St. Maarten starting early Friday morning. It is expected to continue through the day on Friday.

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