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Minister of Culture Lourens-Philip congratulates television broadcasters on contribution to informing and educating society about the issues.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip congratulates local broadcasters and program producers/hosts on their contribution to society in connection with World Television Day that was observed globally on November 21.

"World Television Day is not so much a celebration of the tool of broadcasting, but rather the philosophy which it represents and being a symbol of communication.

"Broadcast media plays a very important role in the socio-economic development of a country. Information and news is broadcasted to the community so society can be informed about what is taking place. It is an educational tool which enhances the knowledge of tele viewers.

"Television is a learning tool, especially for the younger generations of young people. It also brings forth via the screen information about other cultures near and far. I hereby recognize the power of good that television can bring forth.

"Modern forms of media today have also transcended the role of television, which has forced the latter to adapt. We all live in a technological world that is forever changing. Today's forms and mediums of communication have to constantly adapt and make use of these changes.

"I take this opportunity to congratulate local broadcasters and television program producers/hosts on the very important role that they play," Minister Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip said over the weekend.

In 1996, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed November 21 as World Television Day, "in recognition of the increasing impact television has on decision-making by alerting would attention to conflicts and threats to peace and security and its potential role in sharpening the focus on other major issues, including economic, environmental and social issues."

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is currently working on developing new standards that will enhance the television viewer's experience, in terms of both visual and audio quality.

The development of industry leading standards will be in line with the next generation of television that will be available in very high definition as well as high performance dynamic video streaming.

The first commercial services of Ultra High Definition (UHD) Television have already begun, according to the ITU. In the coming years, ITU systems will allow television with four times the detail of the first UHD TV services.

The second edition of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) was approved in October 2014, and includes enhanced format range extensions to improve video quality.

ITU is also examining ways to make television more accessible to those with disabilities and special needs, such as providing subtitles and audio channels describing the action in the image, as well as future options such as the capacity of the viewer to separate foreground and background sound, allowing the audio to be more intelligible to those with hearing disabilities.

Minister Lourens-Philip in conclusion fully supports the efforts of the ITU to improve the accessibility of TV to persons with special needs which is crucial in building an inclusive Information Society.

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