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Caretaker Prime Minister reacted to MP/Minister Maurice Lake Press Statement.

swescotwilliams28082014PHILIPSBURG:--- Caretaker Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams did not waste any time on Friday after she read the press statement issued by caretaker Minister Maurice Lake. In a letter sent to the various media house Wescot Williams outlined what she said on Tuesday to Minister Lake in the Council of Ministers meeting and what she stated on Wednesday during the weekly press conference, below is the letter from caretaker Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams.

Dear Minister Lake/Dear Maurice,

In my opinion, we have arrived at a sad state of affairs when persons can not express their own view(s). I say this in response to your press statement which appeared today in the local dailies.
Like I stated in the Council's meeting of Tuesday, November 25th, I, Sarah Wescot- Williams, am in favor of deferring a decision on the purchase of the Vorst property to the incoming government. I repeated this sentiment in the press briefing on Wednesday. You do not have to agree. If a majority decides otherwise, so be it.
Your constant reference to "politicking" by others when you obviously do not see that it is what you do best, is not worthy of a reply from me.
However, let it be noted that the advice for the purchase of the Emilio Wilson Estate was brought to the Council on Tuesday on your initiative, not mine. In fact, you implored me to put it on the agenda this past Tuesday.
If you are aware of "discrepancies" in YOUR advice, I advice you to IMMEDIATELY pull it back, as you otherwise would be attempting to mislead your colleagues in the Council and the Governor, to whom the draft decree has been sent.
Furthermore, I am entitled to express my opinion at any venue of my choosing. In addition, I am the spokesperson for the Council of Ministers, in case you did not know.
At this stage of the game, I suggest any ideas you have for new formats of meetings or press briefings, you discuss with the incoming council of ministers.
Dear Minister Lake, over the years of chairing different councils of ministers, I have, in the interest of the unity of the council, held my peace and attempted to solve the many issues amongst ministers, in chambers. This attitude of mine, has evoked much criticism from the outside from persons believing I knew more than I was willing to share with the public of St. Maarten, in fact that I was keeping such from the public.
I do not know about you, but I have been conditioning my mind for the transition from executive to legislator for some time. Being able to speak out freely is for me a welcomed part of that transition.

Kindest regards,

Sarah Wescot-Williams

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