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SHTA acknowledges the students of The NIPA & Sundial Hospitality Sector.

shtaacknowledgesnipaandsundialhospitalitystudents14122014PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association, the largest business representative on the island, presented a certificate of appreciation to the students of the NIPA (National Institute for Professional Advancement) and Sundial Hospitality Sector for their outstanding services provided at the 9th Annual Crystal Pineapple Awards Gala Event. The certificates were presented to Ms. Renata de Weever, Coordinator of the hospitality program at the NIPA and Wendall Moore, Service instructor of the Sundial School.
Each year, SHTA gives the students of the Sundial Hospitality Sector the opportunity to showcase their talents and gain practical experience beneficial to their future career in the industry. This year the SHTA had an opportunity to have students from NIPA as well. The SHTA and guests at CPA were extremely pleased with the service the students gave. They were mentioned to be polite, well-mannered and attentive. Together, nine students from the Sundial & NIPA were selected based on their dedication, ability and self motivation, to serve the 350 guests at this prestigious gala event. This young generation of St. Maarten's future showed their skills and contributed to the grand success of this event. The SHTA board members acknowledged the extraordinary level of service provided by the students and encouraged the students to strive for their goals, while reminding them of the importance of tourism.
A student from the hospitality sector of NIPA shared their experience with the SHTA stating,
"It was learning experiences but also a learning process. In this event, there were different companies/organization took part in this event for e.g. those from Great bay hotel, Sundial School, Sonesta Maho workers and not forgetting the NIPA School who was assisting the workers with the work. From the hospitality group there were five persons who helped out with the serving of the dignitaries the Hillside Christian School and other companies who attended. We as the second year students, have begun to put in practice how to do the greeting, how to take the order of drinks and serving them starting with the lady first then the host last and last but not least the clearing up of the table when guest is finishes with their meal. With this we can say we learned a lot and with this type of experience we the students of the hospitality group can be place at any company for job training knowing we got the skills and product knowledge and being prepared for the real world of work because we are born for greatness, self-motivated and willing to work to the best of our abilities."
SHTA would like to thank the NIPA & Sundial School students for their input toward the Crystal Pineapple Awards and encourage these students to follow their dreams and be tourism ambassadors for our island.

SHTA Press Release

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