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President Richardson attends Kingdom Day Celebration in the Netherlands.

lloydrichardsonatkingdomdaycelebration16122014PHILIPSBURG:--- President of Parliament, Hon. Lloyd Richardson, MD attended the 60th anniversary ceremony of the Kingdom Charter which was celebrated on Kingdom Day, December 15th.
At the ceremony on Monday, President Richardson met several Sint Maarten students who are studying in the Netherlands.
Queen Juliana signed the Kingdom Charter 60-years ago on December 15th. At that time the three partners in the Kingdom were Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles and the Netherlands.
The charter governs the relationship between the four countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands currently comprising of Aruba, Curacao, Sint Maarten and the Netherlands.
The celebration of Kingdom Day took place in Amsterdam at the traditional Kingdom Concert.
President Richardson travelled to the Netherlands on Sunday and returned on Tuesday.

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