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FBE Schools to Receive Books.

p8300011Philipsburg:---This week all FBE schools will receive copies of the book "The History and Fantastic Legends of the Caribbean - The home of the spirits" part 1 by Claude Maudoux.
The new and authentic book for children was made on our island. The book focuses on the history and culture of our island and has a special feature that allows the reader to participate in a treasure hunt on the Internet.

Social Studies and Culture & Artistic Development are two of the eight educational areas that have been introduced with the implementation of FBE. It is with this in mind that DERPI has deemed it fitting to purchase copies of this book for all FBE schools on St Maarten.

Ms. Oralie Boirard, representing DERPI along with Mr. Maudoux and his colleague will visit all the schools and make the presentation to the school directors. Mr. Maudoux is also offering his services to the schools by giving a demonstration to the students on how to play the treasure hunt game on the Internet.

The funding for the purchasing of the books was provided through the USONA funds.

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