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Buncamper Tax Evasion Case Postponed to February 26th.

mariabuncamper28112014Bloem wants to hear several justice officials

PHILIPSBURG:--- The criminal case against Maria Buncamper Molanus has been postponed due to the fact that the lawyer representing Ivan Haverthong was absent on Wednesday afternoon. However, the attorney representing the Buncamper family and Theodore Walters from ECO Green wants to hear some 12 witnesses on behalf of his clients. Attorney at Law Jairo Bloem told the court that it is necessary for the witnesses to be heard because the prosecution had the case for years and when they first appeared in court when the Buncamper's took the prosecution to court there was no case file. Bloem said that three months later there is huge file before the court therefore it is necessary that the witnesses that are called be heard.
Those witnesses include the prosecutor that is prosecuting the case, Gonda Van der Wulp, Solicitor General Taco Stein, Head of the Landsrecherche Ademar Doran and detective F. Machielsen.
The prosecution opposed the request made by Bloem citing that witnesses that were called are to testify on the law and the judge knows the law. Bloem told the court that it is relevant because it will show that the investigation was flawed and that mistakes were made. The judge will render a decision on whether or not he will hear the following witnesses that Attorney Bloem is calling before the court. Below is the list of persons that Attorney Jairo Bloem wants to hear.

  1. De heer I. Havertong -- Leasee of the Buncampers land
  2. De heer F. Gijsbertha -- Notary
  3. Mevrouw V. Walters -- Daughter of Theodore Walters
  4. De heer A. Walters -- Son of Theodore Walters
  5. De heer M. Hollard;
  6. De heer F. Machielsen -- Detective
  7. Mevrouw mr. G. Van der Wulp
  8. De heer mr. T. Stein -- Solictor General
  9. De heer mr. F. Kunneman -- Notary
  10. De heer mr. M. Alexander -- Notary
  11. De heer A. Doran -- Head of Landsreacherche
  12. De heer G. Bergman -- Tax Lawyer
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