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Best-selling Yvette’s cookbook just released its 4th printing

yvettecookbook03032015GREAT BAY:--- From Yvette's Kitchen To Your Table – A Treasury of St. Martin's Traditional and Contemporary Cuisine by Yvette Hyman, is now in its 4th printing, which has just been released here by House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).
The cookbook has been a bestseller since it was first published in 2011. The island's bookshops have been without the title, however, since mid-2014, when the third printing was sold out, said HNP president Jacqueline Sample.
"Mr. Albert Chance at Van Dorp bookstore and Ms. Karen Richardson of Shipwreck Shops can both attest to the demand for Yvette's cookbook from St. Martin's people and tourists," said Sample.
The new copies of From Yvette's Kitchen To Your Table are now available at Van Dorp, Shipwreck, Yvette's Restaurant, and, said Sample.
Among the book's 312 colorful pages, St. Martin classic favorites such as souse, Johnny cake, Conch Yvette's, lamb stew, coconut tart, guavaberry and soursop drink are just a few of the over 200 recipes by Yvette Hyman. The award-winning chef also founded, along with her husband Felix, the Yvette's Restaurant in French Quarter.
The 13 chapters of the hardcover book include Appetizers, Soups, Poultry, Fish and Shellfish, Meat, Salads, Dumplings, Rice and Fungi, Breads, and Desserts, said Sample.

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