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MP Silveria Jacobs Concerned about SMHGC and Governing Program

silveriajacobs07082014PHILIPSBURG:---Member of Parliament Silveria Jacobs while expressing appreciation for the presentation of the multiannual strategic plan by the Harbour Group of Companies via its CEO Mark Mingo during the Committee meeting on Thursday had several questions and observations.
Several issues were raised by the MP pertaining to Government's Program and its subsequent strategic plan, which has not yet been presented to Parliament. Is this strategic plan of the Harbour in line with Government's strategic plan and/or the country's National Development plan? In moving forward, there must be synchronization in setting strategic goals by Government and Government owned companies. This will further eradicate the idea which sadly still exists of said companies functioning as satellites.

MP Jacobs also sought answers to questions in relation to the Harbour's plan to diversifying and enhance St. Maarten's tourist product on a cultural level through investments in real estate. The MP further stated that any plans pertaining to a walkway to town culminating in a walkway to Fort Amsterdam as well as further plans pertaining to the fort and other monuments should include consultation with the Monument Council, Culture Department and Cultural Minister to avoid duplication of efforts and sharing of information. The Harbour CEO was unaware of any developments pertaining to efforts by the Culture Department to get the fort registered on the World Heritage List in order to gain financing for its restoration.

While the Harbour seemed open to these suggestions as well as to ideas centered on government owned companies' responsibility to contribute to the social welfare and the development of our communities and programs which are in dire need of funding, they still seemed bent on maintaining a level of secrecy about other key areas.
The tight lipped attitude of the Harbour pertaining to the apparent 300% increase in the Security contract for the Harbour only creates more sensation and speculation. This attitude only further contributes to the lack of transparency in Government owned companies.

The state of disrepair of the roads and sidewalks in Philipsburg was also noted as an area in which they could contribute, however it is known that the current design and construction to "beautify" Philipsburg is a Harbor investment which has turned into an eyesore and a complete failure. Residents and tourists alike are prone to fall on the sidewalks which are riddled with loose bricks, holes and left over pieces of hardware sticking out of the ground. The dips and ditches created by shifting bricks and/or the sand below has made driving through front and back street more of a high seas adventure.

MP Jacobs further stated that while the Harbor looks at the numbers and St. Maarten's ranking based on the number of tourists visiting our island, the direct economic boom for businesses and the community is not felt.
She further stressed that we should seek to increase in quality rather than quantity as the negative effects on our society when thousands converge on our island at one time makes it unbearable for tourists and residents alike.
The plan to build more shopping and dining areas between Harbor and town can also further diminish the probability of such businesses in the Philipsburg area being able to survive.

The NA MP would like to see a strategic plan from government with priorities listed, and showing how the plans of the government owned companies will contribute to its execution. In this way, Parliament will be able to hold them accountable for the execution thereof.
The people of St. Maarten also deserve to know and have waited long enough to hear from its government in terms of its plans; who the two new Ministers will be; and what their priorities are for 2015 and beyond.

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