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GIFTED Foundation to launch “A Betta Tomorrow SXM” Project in May

giftedfound03032015Young Kings Awards event merged with SXM Weekend of P.O.W.E.R. 2015

PHILIPSBURG:--- GIFTED Foundation will launch the A Betta Tomorrow SXM project with our 3rd annual SXM Weekend of POWER for May 28-31, 2015. This project is in association with A Betta Tomorrow, a Jamaican initiative of Kevin Smith. The launch was previously booked for March 5-7, 2015 but was rescheduled as a merged event with the SXM Weekend of POWER events. Kevin Smith, Rizon and DJ Nicholas will join the Caribbean Gospel Music Tour's cast of BiggerBetterLouder 2015 with Curtis Jordan and a host of other artistes from across the region.

Following on the success of last year's tour of the Sons of Thunder, several gospel artistes and ministers will be visiting our island from across the Caribbean, doing school tours and concerts. GIFTED is focusing on Sint Maarten's young men in 2015, giving recognition to the exemplary young men between the ages of 13 to 20 years, enrolled in high school, who are role models for their peers and making their contribution to a better tomorrow for Sint Maarten. Each high school is able to nominate ONE (1) male student in each of the following five categories: Academics; Athletics/Sports; Expressive Arts (Music/Visual Arts/Dance/Drama); Community Service; and, Leadership. Nomination forms are available at each high school.
Completed nomination forms are to be returned via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by March 31, 2015.

Each nominee may submit a self-motivating video between 60 to 90 seconds via email to the same address, about his personal story and how he is contributing to 'A Betta Tomorrow' for St. Maarten. Videos will be uploaded to GIFTED's Youtube page and shared on GIFTED Foundation's Facebook page. Views, Shares and Likes for each video will add points in the selection of the winner. Video submission deadline is April 17, 2015. Youtube and Facebook views, shares and likes will be counted as of May 31, 2015 at 5pm. All nominees from the different high schools will be reviewed per category and one will be selected for the 'GIFTED Young Kings' Awards. The winners will be announced during the "A Betta Tomorrow SXM" concert on May 31, 2015 at the Port de Plaisance tent, starting at 7pm. Each nominee will be provided with a COMPLIMENTARY ticket to the concert.

All elementary and secondary schools are encouraged to participate in the A Betta Tomorrow (ABT) SXM project, as all schools are eligible to raise funds for their ABT project by receiving 25% of ticket sales for the concert.

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