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Women within the Ministry of VSA International Women’s Day 2015

On the Occasion of International Women's Day.

PHILIPBURG:--- International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries on March 08. The annual celebration gives countries, organizations, and individuals the opportunity to recount, celebrate the many achievements and accomplishments of women regardless of their origin, cultural and ethnic background, political affiliation and the like. It is also a time to assess and evaluate what has been accomplished and what gaps still remain in the quest for gender equality and development.

The first National Observance of Women's Day began in 1909 on February 28th in honor of the Women in the Garment Industry in New York who strike and protested against poor working conditions.
In September 1995 the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, signed the historic roadmap which focused and give emphasis on 12 critical areas of concern; signatures to this declaration envisioned a world where each woman and girl can exercise her choices, such as participating in politics, getting an education, having an income, and living in societies free from violence and discrimination.
This year marks twenty years since this declaration was signed. Since then, there have been many strides made, action galvanized in these 12 critical areas. However, there is still a lot to be done.
To this end, the theme of this year's International Women's Day is the clarion call of UN Women's Beijing+20 campaign "Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!"-Join governments and activists across the world in commemorating the ground-breaking Conference of 1995.

We here on Sint Maarten have reasons to celebrate and be proud of our accomplishments in what we have achieved in the last twenty years. We have given women the opportunity to access education on all levels and ensure equal pay. With the institution of Women's Desk, Safe Haven, a shelter for Battered Women has also been secured.

This does not mean that it is time to sit back and relax, there is far more work to be done in getting women in more stable positions, in particular in the area of family development.
The high rate of teen pregnancy, and the countless women, who live on the periphery of poverty just to mention a few. It is therefore imperative that we continue to identify and employ meaningful ways, holistic approaches and strategies and inclusive methodologies in strengthening the position of women.

When the women is strengthened and empowered, her family benefits. When the family of the women benefits, society benefits on a whole.

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