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PwC publishes new edition of tax law book

Up-to-date law book provides a complete overview of the most important changes in tax law as applied by 1 January 2015 in St. Maarten, Curaçao, the BES islands and Aruba.

PHILIPSBURG:--- PwC Dutch Caribbean has published a new edition of the law book "Fiscale Wetgeving 2015". As usual, in this new edition all relevant laws with regard to direct taxes and social security law and the growing number of treaties are included, as applied by 1 January 2015. This collection of tax laws is particularly of interest for the tax practice and for fiscal education.

Early this year, many changes in tax laws in Curaçao and Aruba came into force. In St. Maarten, the most important changes are related to the introduction of the trust and associated tax changes. In Curaçao important changes have been introduced in the income tax and profit tax, as well as some changes with regard to the wage tax. Tax rates have been reduced, but also a number of deductions have been limited or have disappeared completely. The introduction for the cash registration (kasregistratie) system and in connection with it the possibility of closure of businesses by the Tax Department are an important update for Curaçao as well. In Aruba, the main changes are the tax litigation procedure, which will now take place before the Court of First Instance (Gerecht in Eerste Aanleg), with the possibility of appeal to the Tax Appeal Court (Raad van Beroep). Also changes have been made in the Contractor Chain Liability Law (Wet Ketenaansprakelijkheid).

"We are aware that it is a challenge to keep up with the laws and regulations concerning tax matters. Especially since it changes with great regularity on the islands. Tax laws and regulations form an increasingly important part of the legislation of a country. Having relevant knowledge in this area becomes therefore even more important. By issuing the publication "Fiscale Wetgeving" annually, we are trying to meet the need to maintain an up-to-date overview of rates and regulations in the different islands", says Paul van Vliet, Director at PwC St. Maarten. "In addition, we attach great importance to share knowledge with our customers and society. An annual edition of this publication, such as "Fiscale Wetgeving 2015" fits well with this objective", said van Vliet.

The pocket edition of the law book can be obtained through our offices in St. Maarten, Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire. For more information or orders can be called with +(721) 542 2379. In addition to the pocket edition, an interactive digital version of "Tax Legislation 2015" is available. This document can be downloaded free of charge from the website of PwC (

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