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The Yacht Club Isle de Sol Conducts ISPS Security training at NIPA

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday February 27, 2015 in accordance with the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code, The Yacht Club Isle de Sol, an IGY MARINAS Destination, provided their contract Security staff of INSEMA Group NV with a scheduled ISPS Code training. The training was facilitated by local Recognized Security Support Organization (RSSO) OSSEM Solutions NV at the National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA) in Cay Hill. With this training the professional standards of The Yacht Club Isle de Sol will continue with the goal to not only meet the mandated compliance, but to exceed these standards and provide a safe, secure and enjoyable haven for all those who visit. Most recently Isle de Sol Marina also complied with National and International security requirements in regards to updating their Security Management Program, which consist of Port Risk Assessments and Port Facility Security Plans through their Security Advisor OSSEM Solutions. Isle de Sol will continue with various other trainings throughout the year and are presently in the planning phase of conducting a Bomb Threat Drill for Marina personnel and stakeholders. Director of Marina Operations and Planning for IGY Marinas Mr. Brian Deher commented that "We are extremely pleased with the level of commitment and training that the Insema N.V. guards have demonstrated and we are thankful to have professional security consulting locally available on St. Maarten rather than having to incur the added expense to fly security experts in from abroad. IGY has been working with OSSEM Solutions N.V. on our ISPS compliancy for over a year now and we've had tremendous results. OSSEM Solutions has helped IGY find a balance between heightened levels of security while simultaneously working with us to improve customer service which is often times sacrificed in order to achieve the levels of security needed in order to be ISPS compliant." When asked about the costs to run training programs and to maintain ISPS compliancy Mr. Deher remarked "our costs are in line with those of previous years and our forecasts going forward are based on nominal increases associated with cost of living escalations and depreciating assets that may need to be upgraded or replaced but other than that there are no material changes to our general security budget anticipated."

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