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Permanent Committee of Labour to meet Friday about FRED and Counter-part Law

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Permanent Committee of Health Care, Social Development and Labour, will meet in session on March 13.

The public Permanent Committee meeting is set for Friday at 2.00pm in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The first agenda point is a discussion about the Flinx Recruitment Expo for the Dutch Caribbean, or commonly known as FRED and Sint Maarten's participation in this. FRED is scheduled to take place in June 2015 at the Rotterdam World Trade Center in The Netherlands.

The second agenda point is a discussion about the counter-part law policy and the implementation guidelines.

Representatives from the Department of Labour, Labour Affairs, and the Department of Education will be present for the meeting.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet and via

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