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MP George Pantophlet sends letter to Chair of Parliament.

gpantophlet13032015PHILIPSBURG:--- The Undersigned Member of Parliament George Pantophlet is requesting in accordance with article 62 of the Constitution that the Minister of Economic Affairs Claret Connor provide him with the answers to the following questions:

  1. How long does the reserve at the gas stations last? And how often is gasoline delivered to St. Maarten?
  2.  What are the dates of delivery to St Maarten over the last 2 years?
  3.  When is the last time gasoline was purchased by Sol and Texaco?
  4.  How many days does it take for the tanker to arrive from Trinidad with the gasoline?
  5. What is the amount of gasoline delivered each time to St. Maarten?
  6. Can he be provided with a copy of controls done at the gas stations over the last 2 years?
  7. What is the status of the measuring tank?
  8.  When was the last time it was used to control gas stations?
  9.  How long does the reserve at the bulk stations of Sol and Texaco last?

These questions are in lieu of the fact that on February 27, March 5 and March 9 gasoline has been increased by some 0,25 cents.
Explanation needs to be given to the public of St. Maarten as to reasons why in contrast to when the prices go down the increase takes place at a very rapid pace.
Awaiting the answers in a prompt and speedy manner,

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