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Foster Parents and Mentors honored by Rotary Sunrise

fosterparentsluncheon16032015PHILIPSBURG:---  The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Sunrise hosted a luncheon at the Waikiki Beach Restaurant for all foster parents, owners of foster homes and mentors on Sint Maarten. The purpose of the luncheon was to offer them a fun filled day and to express admiration for the task they took on voluntarily.
Foster parents take on a very responsible task to care for children that, for varying reasons, cannot stay with their biological parents. They take on the role of a parent and in addition also the role of a social worker, a counselor and a mentor. From the smallest babies to the 17 year olds, are placed in their care to help raise them to become worthy citizens of Sint Maarten. The event was an opportunity for the parents and mentors to meet; a moment of bonding and sharing experiences.
Dr. Virginia Asin, President of the Rotary Club Sint Maarten Sunrise, in her address complimented the parents and the mentors for the noble work they do. "Rotarians are guided in their live and professions by the four way test" said President Virginia. "You are here today, because although you are not Rotarians, you passed the test with flying colors. This is our way of saying thank you and to encourage you to keep doing what you do" President Virginia continued.
Among the guests at the luncheon were the Assistant District Governor Rebecca Low, with members of the Vocational Training Team from Canada that are currently visiting Sint Maarten for workshop with school children and teachers in several areas. Also at the luncheon were Rotarians and spouses of Rotarians, the President of Rotaract Sunrise, Micaela Hart and some of her fellows from their club. Among the guests were also a representative of the Family Guardianship and the Director of the Court of Guardianship Ms Richelda Emanuel. The organizing committee also consisted of the Service Director Agnes Mary Kapoor, Membership Director Okama Ekpe Brook and Rotary Fellow Valda Woodley Hazel.
The parents and mentors received an award of appreciation for the noble work they do.
Aspecial thanks goes to the Manager of the Waikiki Beach Restaurant, for their generous gesture and their wonderful service.
Rotary Sunrise meets at Philipsburg Jubilee Library Conference Room every Tuesday mornings at 7:00am for fellowship and breakfast. For more information on the club visit us at or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., we are also on Facebook: Rotary Club of Saint Martin Sunrise

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