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The Chuchubi Foundation events for Aruba Day Sucessful.

arubafestivities19032015PHILIPSBURG:--- The Chuchubi Foundation events for Aruba Day (March 18th 2015) was termed a big success. The two- day event, started on March 17th 2015 with the launching of the book "Calypso and resistance in Aruba" by Mr. Gregory Richardson and the documentary film on "Mighty Lords, Kings and Queens - Calypso and the politics of recognition in Aruba" by Ms. Sharelly Emanuelson. This event saw a large cross section of the community who were born on Aruba or lived on Aruba. During the film those present, expressed their recognition of certain Calypsonians and familiar songs from "back in those days." During that event Ms. Ruby Bute an Arubian who has made her mark in the arts world of Sint Maarten, was recognized by the Chuchubi Foundation. Ms. Bute was also very much impressed with the documentary and commented on "the good old days as a Village Girl in San Nicolas."
The Prime Minister Mr. Marcel Gumbs addressed the gathering and congratulated all Arubians on their Flag Day.
The celebration continued with morning ceremony at the Philipsburg Methodist Church which was well attended. A special guest was the Minister of Justice the Justice Minister of Aruba, Mr. Arthur Dowers who addressed the worshippers and was glad to be a part of the Chuchubi activities in recognition of Aruba Day. The service was also attended by The Minister of Justice of St.Maarten, Mr.Dennis Richardson. The hoisting of both the Sint Maarten and Aruba Flag was done while the national anthems were sung. The ministers enjoyed the warm fellowship with the members of Chuchubi Foundation, while sipping on their cup of "bush tea."
The day ended with a "meet and greet" at the Soualiga Garden Bar at the Emilio Wilson Park, where the vice president of the Chuchubi Foundation presented Minister Dowers with a plaque in commemoration of the Chuchubi activities for the 2015 Aruba Day celebration in St. Maarten

The Chuchubi Foundation thanks one and all for their presence and support, in particular the Arubians, and friends of Aruba, who made this celebration of the 2015 Aruba Day a big success!!.

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