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U.S. Consulate and CIFFR Organize Filmmaking Workshops for Students

kathryndietz19032015WILLEMSTAD:--- For the third consecutive year, the U.S. Consulate General Curaçao, in cooperation with the organizers of the Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam (CIFFR), is organizing a series of workshops March 25-29. The workshops will focus on showing students and others how they can become filmmakers themselves.
The U.S. Consulate has invited Kathryn Dietz, a successful documentary maker, producer, writer, director, and adjunct professor at the Massachusetts College of Art & Design, to direct the workshops. Mrs. Dietz is the founder of the Filmmakers Collaborative, which organizes the Boston International Kids Film Festival. This three-day festival of films by, for, and about children provides classes, workshops, and mentoring opportunities for children and adults. is very popular in the Boston area.
Mrs. Dietz will lead workshops, classroom presentations, and screenings with students and teachers at Maria Immaculata Lyceum and the U.S. Consulate.
For opportunities regarding private tutoring sessions, including reviews of film products with Mrs. Dietz for anyone interested in documentary making, please visit the CIFFR facebook page atçaoIFFR or contact Sulin Passial at education@Curaç for registration.
The Filmmakers Collaborative is a U.S. nonprofit organization that was established in 1987 to provide grants management and educational programming for independent filmmakers and young emerging media professionals. Mrs. Dietz has produced documentaries about Egypt, Japan, China, and various cities in the U.S.
Mrs. Dietz is the producer, writer, and director of Big Little Town: The Story of Needham, which is a 60-minute film made to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Needham, Massachusetts.
In addition, she produced "Eleanor Roosevelt," which is a 2 ½ hour documentary on the former first lady of the U.S. The documentary received a Gold Camera and a Chris Award from the Columbus International Film & Video Festival. Many of her other productions have received awards at film festivals around the world.

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