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Informative session for Daycare Center owners and providers held by Inspectorate.

daycarecenters24032015PHILIPSBURG:--- The Daycare division of the Inspectorate of Health, Labor and Social Development held an informative session on March 13, 2015 at the A.C.Wathey Conference Hall. The session, which was the first of three for the year, was facilitated by the Head of the Daycare Division, Mrs. Denise Cornet.
The purpose of the session was to inform Daycare center owners/providers about regulations that apply to them and understanding those which will help enhance the standards of their centers.
The session was attended by 31 daycare center owners/providers established on the island. The providers in attendance acquired a wealth of information from senior government officials representing various ministries as well as semi-government agencies:
Mrs. Dana. Kweekel, legal advisor for Inspectorate of Health, Labor and social Development, provided information pertaining to the ordinance governing day care establishments and the operating of such.
Mrs. Esther Halley, Head of the Registration Department at SZV provided information pertaining to the importance and prerequisites required for registering the center's employees;
Ms. Parveen Broertje, Manager Levy Department at SZV informed the gathering about compliance by the employer.
Mrs. Gwendolyn Mossel, Coordinator Legal Affairs & Policy and Mr. August Emmanuel, Head National Reporting Bureau on Human Trafficking provided information pertaining to the requirements and application procedure for residency permits.

Mrs. Shirley Priest, Section Head Employment Permits at the Labor Department spoke about the process with respect to application procedures for employment permits.
Mrs. Ruth Patrick, Office Manager and Mrs. Esmina Joseph, Administrative Support Staff of the Chamber of Commerce provided information about the registration of a foundation and/or business. Also representing the CoC was Ms. Sharlise Phillips, Member of the Board, who discussed the subject of "the opening and closure of a business".
The information session culminated in a "Question and Answer" session and social gathering. The Inspectorate's organizes such sessions for specifically the providers to inform them on the various aspects of inspection and control.

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