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COCI and USM Representatives On Pre-USM “Work Experience Program”

cociusm25032015PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry (COCI)and the University of St. Martin (USM)collaborated on a Pre-USM "Work Experience Program" as part of the Chamber's 20/20 Vision: "Home is Where I Prosper" Education Initiative. The dual purpose of this program is 1) to encourage the business community to exercise social corporate responsibility and aid in strengthening St. Maarten's up and coming young professionals and 2) to enhance the skills of Pre-USM students via an internship through which they can learn, experience workplace ethics, professionalism and personal responsibility. COCI exposed students to workplace introductions, expectations such as " dressing for success", interview tips, etc. and played a pivotal role in guiding students with Resume building and personal branding sessions. The program's run date is March 3rd - May 31st, 2015 and COCI strategically placed over 18 Pre-USM students in internships across various organizations and industries in St. Maarten.
In this first update session, students described what they were learning and how the experience impacted them thus far. Board Member Nzinga Lake made a presentation on the importance of being apart of this Pre-USM Program 2015 as an intern. "You have being given this wonderful opportunity to create long lasting relationships with your supervisors and co-workers and in the future you can use those lessons learned in establishing a successful business" said Lake.
COCI would like to extend gratitude to companies who partnered with us to make this program possible; N.V. GEBE, Windward Islands Bank, Maduro & Sons Inc., Leonard Enterprises N.V., Henderson Insurances, Baker Suites, Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten, Women's Health Services N.V., Telem Group of Companies, Antek IT Solutions, Brison Tax & Accounting, Department of Economic Licenses (Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication). Stakeholders in the business and surrounding communities are encouraged to contact us for further information/inquiries via email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and/ by phone: 1-721-542-3590/95 during operational hours Mondays – Fridays:8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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