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PSS Management wants to Reinstate Alex Richardson --- SMCU Disagrees --- Mediator has to intervene.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Management of Postal Services St. Maarten (PSS) has decided to reinstate Alex Richardson who was suspended after he threatened to shoot one of his co-workers. Sherman Serastis of St. Maarten Communication Union (SMCU) told SMN News that he was invited to attend an emergency meeting on Wednesday. Serastis said at that meeting he was informed that management has taken a decision to reinstate Alex Richardson since according to their legal advisor PSS do not have sufficient grounds to dismiss him from his job.
Serastis said he informed management that SMCU does not agree with their decision and should Richardson show up to work the workers of PSS will walk out since they do not intend to work with Richardson again. Serastis said last week Wednesday the workers took action because management was not dealing with the matter. Serastis further explained that while management of PSS kept bringing up that a criminal complaint was filed against Richardson. He said what the management of PSS does not understand is that SMCU has nothing to do with the criminal complaint since that is something the judicial system will handle in their own time, but Richardson who is part of management also violated the labor agreement when he threatened to shoot his co-worker. Serastis made clear that the safety and security of PSS employees are no longer secured since someone from management threatened to shoot one of his co-workers. He said that Richardson admitted to making those statements while he did it in the presence of the Human Resource manager. "Having someone that has such a temper puts the workers safety at risk and no one in their right minds will take that risk if they are representing workers. He said after he informed management of PSS that the workers will maintain their stance and walk off the job should Richardson return to work then they both decided to involve the labor mediator who will try to find a solution on how management should proceed with Richardson. It should be noted that Alex Richardson already had a fight in the finance department sometime in 2010 at the Finance Department and he was suspended from his job, therefore this is not the first time Richardson had temper problems on the job. Last week SMCU said management informed them that Richardson was undergoing anger management treatment.

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