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Fire Trucks Responded to Carnival Cruise Ship – Fire or Smoke on Board Cruise Ship.(UPDATED)

Pointe Blanche:---At least three fire trucks responded to the A. C Wathey Cruise Facility early Friday morning as the Harbor called for assistance when they learned that the Carnival Cruise ship had severe smoke coming from its engine room.
Passengers that existed the ship were overheard saying that the smoke was severe. SMN News learnt that the smoking began shortly before the ship came in to dock and as soon as they docked they got the passengers off as they continue the source the cause of their mechanical problems.
Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson confirmed that there was some sort of smoking or small fire on board the Carnival Cruise Ship and that the fire department is busy dealing with the problem. SMN News will bring you more information on this latest development as soon as it becomes available.

Port St. Maarten pleased with protocol procedures after Carnival Liberty smoke alarm

POINT BLANCHE:--- Port St. Maarten – Port St. Maarten management are very pleased with emergency protocol procedures that were carried out Friday morning after crew onboard Carnival Liberty were alerted to a bow thruster overheating.
Carnival Liberty crew followed shipboard procedures related to the smoke alarm and after some time everything was back to normal.
The St. Maarten Fire Department as part of standard procedure under such circumstances was called to the port.
After the all clear was given, the fire trucks returned to their base in Cay Hill.

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