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MP George Pantophlet wants information on Civil Servants and other persons that are working for government.

gpantophlet13032015PHILIPSBURG:---- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet has dispatched two letters to the Chairman of Parliament where he posed several questions regarding civil servants and other persons that currently working for the government of St. Maarten and those that have left. MP Pantophlet wants to know how many Ministries were filled in the last two years and by whom. Furthermore he wants to know if the civil servants that are working for government are in their right scales based on their qualifications. Both letters sent to the Chairman of Parliament which is intended for the Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs can be viewed below.


To the Chairman of Parliament
Dr. Lloyd Richardson
Wilhemina Straat #1

May 19, 2015

The undersigned Member of Parliament George Pantophlet
Is requesting in accordance with article 62 of the Constitution that the Minister of General Affairs Marcel Gumbs provide him with answers to the following questions:
1. A list of the different ministries that were filled in the last 2 years and by whom? Are they on contract or are they permanent?
2. Have all civil servants been placed in their right scales in accordance with their qualifications and function?
3. How many civil servants have left government in the last 3 years, from which departments and what were their reasons for doing so? Were they on contract or permanent?
4. Are there any pending court cases between civil servants and government? How many are there how far back do these court cases go and what are the reasons for such?
5. Is it true that although we have attained country status, there are still civil servants with an island resolution of island territory St. Maarten instead of a National resolution of country St. Maarten?
Awaiting your answers in a speedy and prompt manner,

To the Chairman of Parliament
Dr. Lloyd Richardson
Wilhelmina Straat 1

May 19, 2015
The undersigned Member of Parliament George Pantophlet is requesting in accordance with article 62 of the Constitution that the Minister of Finance provide him with the answers to the following questions:
1. Has an agreement been reached between government and the Social Health Insurance (SZV) and the General Pension Fund (APS) with regards to the outstanding debt owed to these funds?
2. How much is owed to the SZV? And how much is owed to APS?
3. When was the last time that payments were made to these institutions?
4. What years are these arrears related to? Please indicate per institution.
5. Are there any payments being made presently to both these institutions?
6. Please provide me with copies of the verdict or ruling relating to the court cases between St. Maarten Receivers and the AUC and the Inspectorate of Taxes and AUC.

Awaiting the answers in a prompt speedy manner,


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