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Several topics discussed at IPKO including Students financing

sarhwescotwilliams01062015DP faction taking note of the developments at PJIAE.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament from the Democratic Party Sarah Wescot Williams told reporters on Monday at a press conference that several topics were discussed during the IPKO meeting held in the Netherlands last week. She said that that one of the things the Kingdom has to deal with is the decision taken by the three countries to have a dispute committee installed. Wescot Williams said that they were told by Minister Plasterk that the Kingdom is working on this because it is in the charter. Another topic discussed is for students that are receiving Dutch study financing to have the opportunity to continue receiving those monies even if the students leave to study elsewhere. "We have been discussing this matter since I was the commissioner of education and one of the things we would like to see is that the funds follow the students. " At the IPKO meeting the Dutch Parliament said they will take the matter up with the Ministry of Education to see what is possible.
The next IPKO meeting will be held on St. Maarten in January 2016.

Agreement Signed by Minister of Justice.

Wescot Williams said they (Members of Parliament) including those supporting the government heard of the agreement signed last Saturday when they landed in the Netherlands. She said that she asked several questions on this matter and while the government of St. Maarten has shown total disregard to the Parliament of St. Maarten she wants to know what the government will bring to Parliament to debate in a public meeting. Wescot Williams also said that the Parliament of St. Maarten will lose the first week of June because there are no chairpersons of Parliament on the island to convene any meetings.
Wescot Williams said that Parliament got a letter stating that the government need a three week delay before they could have returned to Parliament to further discuss the draft law on establishing an integrity chamber on St. Maarten. She said at no time Parliament were informed that the only reason government needed the extra time was to continue discussing with the Netherlands to come to an agreement. Asked if she believe that the Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson signed the agreement in order to save the island from higher supervision. Wescot Williams said that is what they are hearing but they still have to wait and see what government will bring to Parliament for debate.
DP Faction taking note of the current situation at PJIAE.
Wescot Williams said that her faction is also taking note of the developments at the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE) especially to the questions that were asked by the Prime Minister regarding the building permits that PJIAE requested. She said she wants to know if this is a new procedure and if the Prime Minister will do the same for all other requests, or is this simply a 'witch hunt."

Checkmate Security Contract.
Wescot Williams said that she discussed the meeting that was held on May 7th 2015 on the contract with Checkmate Security and the St. Maarten Harbor Group of Companies (SMHGC). She said that she had asked several questions on this matter and she was told that the answers were already provided to Parliament but since there is no chairperson this week in parliament the documents did not reach its destination. Wescot Williams said while a parliamentary inquiry is a heavy handed tool to use to obtain factual information in her discussion with other members of Parliament who have agreed to work with her in getting the General Audit Chamber to investigate the case for Parliament. Wescot Williams said she cannot say when she will get the answers to her questions regarding the Checkmate Security but as soon as she does a decision will be taken to move towards the next step.

Government and Residents asked to take necessary precautions this Hurricane Season.
The Member of Parliament also issued a call to government to ensure that all trenches are cleaned as the island prepare for this hurricane season. Wescot Williams also called on all residents to take the necessary precautions and not to wait until the last moment. "One hurricane is too much and while I am urging residents to be watchful and to take the necessary precautions to safeguard their homes, pets and families I am also calling on government to do what is necessary to properly prepare for this hurricane season.

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