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Opposition MPs needs more clarity on the Signed Protocol --- Can Parliament make changes without repercussions from the Dutch?

wmarlin21052013Was St. Maarten’s Entities Consulted --- MP Leona Romeo Marlin.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of National Alliance and Member of Parliament William Marlin asked several questions regarding the protocol Minister Dennis Richardson signed on May 23rd with the Dutch Government on the establishment of an integrity chamber. The Parliament of St. Maarten met on Monday to discuss establishment of an integrity chamber on St. Maarten. During that meeting Marlin said that the Dutch announced that they will withdraw their proposal to institute higher supervision on St. Maarten.
MP Marlin asked the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice that appeared before parliament to defend and debate the establishment of an integrity chamber on St. Maarten.
Marlin said that he wants clarity on two articles in the protocol, namely article six and seven. MP Marlin said he wants to see exactly what the Government agreed to with the Dutch prior to signing the protocol. He said he wants to know if there was a mistake in article 6 that states that the parliament of St. Maarten must accept (Aanvaart) the draft protocol as is or can the Parliament of St. Maarten make changes to the protocol without repercussions. Marlin said suppose the parliament of St. Maarten changes the present protocol and inserted that there should be five persons on the supervisory committee or the three that is mentioned should all be appointed by St. Maarten and not by the Kingdom or the Dutch Government. He also mentioned that the protocol does not state how the integrity chmber will be financed? He asked if the Parliament of St. Maarten decides to insert that 95% of the cost will be taken up by the Dutch and 5% by St. Maarten. "I need to know what they mean by "Aanvaart" because the Parliament of St. Maarten makes decision that either affects or will benefit the people of St. Maarten and not the Dutch."

The National Alliance leader further asked if the government of St. Maarten met with the authors of the various integrity reports such as the PricewaterCoopers (PWC) and the Do it Right committee. He asked if the current government agrees with the contents of the integrity reports. Marlin said that the Minister of Justice have been crying out loud for years that the justice chain needs strengthening and nothing was done by the Dutch. He said there several cases lying at the Prosecutors Office and nothing happens with them because of lack of manpower. He said he wants to know why the strengthening of the justice chain had to be mentioned in the protocol on establishing an integrity chamber.
MP Leona Marlin, in her short presentation said he believes that there must be checks and balances like every other country. She said that while the Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson said that the protocol signed is St. Maarten’s draft ordinance. She asked if the Ombudsman, the Council of Advice and the High Council of State were consulted prior to preparing draft and signed protocol. She said she is of the firm belief that all stakeholders on St. Maarten must be involved, Romeo- Marlin said she wants to know if the signing of the protocol is not a hasty approach and if the country (government) is lagging behind.
In addressing the Parliament of St. Maarten Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson referred the Members of Parliament on a motion they passed on motion on October 26th 2014 where it states that the incoming government will execute the recommendations in the various integrity reports. Minister Richardson said that at no time did the Council of Ministers took away the right of the Parliament St. Maarten but he also warned the Parliament of St. Maarten to be cognizant of the consequences that the country would face if the signed protocol is not approved by the Parliament of St. Maarten.
Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs said St. Maarten fought long and hard to obtain its country status and ever since 2010 St. Maarten have been fighting to maintain its status. He said the country have been threatened on several occasions with higher supervision and or instructions from the Kingdom.

MP Sarah Wescot Williams also asked several questions about the signed agreement. She said made proposals to government one of which they have accepted. However, she wants more information on the protocol in order to further debate the signed agreement. MP Wescot Williams asked if the protocol that was signed if from other proposals made by the Dutch.

silveriajacobs07082014Is St. Maarten being blackmailed by the Dutch --- MP Silveria Jacobs.

MP Silveria Jacobs asked several questions on the signed protocol on the establishment of an integrity of chamber on St. Maarten. MP Jacobs outlined the various entities that St. Maarten already have as a country and their advices are not being implemented or taken seriously. She asked why should St. Maarten establish another establishment when there are so many when the country already does not have money to invest in its youths. She said when reading the signed protocol one can see how much effort is placed on the strengthening of the justice chain. She said that she is of the opinion that St. Maarten is being blackmailed by the Dutch. “As far as I can see is that in order for St. Maarten to get the necessary help to upgrade the justice chain then the country has to bend over backwards and signed the protocol the deputy Prime Minister signed on May 23rd. If that is the case then I believe that an investigation should be conducted because in her view this is a clear cut integrity breach.”

MP Theodore Heyliger also shared the same sentiments as the opposition MPs who questioned the intentions of the Dutch and the signed protocol. Heyliger said that the Dutch is always on St. Maarten’s back which is always against St. Maarten and its people. He said that he is of the view that all Members of Parliament should have discussed the matter prior to the meeting. Heyliger said he totally agrees with the sentiments shared by MP Silveria Jacobs.
MP Maurice Lake also shared the same sentiments when it comes to the Dutch he said that he met with MP Christopher Emmanuel where they discussed certain matters and he intend to continue that discussion. MP Lake said he will not say much in the first round but will wait for the second round when it comes to the changes and the motion has to go for a vote. MP Johan Janchi Leonard also sanctioned what MP Silveria Jacobs, he said that MP Jacobs was on point with her assessment of the signed protocol.

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