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Environmental Education program.

macstudents17122010Philipsburg:--- Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) will be continuing its annual environmental education program by offering free educational presentations for schools, clubs, and community groups from January to March 2011 as part of the Love the Lagoon program. Participants may choose from a wetland themed presentation featuring St. Maarten's pond and lagoon ecosystems or a discussion regarding ocean pollution, otherwise known as marine debris.
Visiting environmental education specialist Linden Rayton will provide hands-on, interactive learning experiences for audiences of all ages. Ms. Rayton is currently an ecology teacher in the United States where she works with a variety of age groups. Her extensive experience both in the classroom setting and in the field will be of great benefit to all participants.
epicstudents17122010Classroom presentations may be complemented by field trips to nearby wetlands or to conduct marine debris clean-ups. To schedule presentations, call Love the Lagoon Project Manager Rueben Thompson at 545-3009 or email the foundation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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