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WIFOL wins referendum to represent Divi workers

PHILIPSBURG:---- WIFOL union won the referendum held at the Divi Little Bay resort on June 26. 94 workers were eligible to vote. According to a press release issued by the union on Sunday, The International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions section 87 state that the "Freedom of Association and the Right to Organise. This establishes the way for all employees to have a collective representation and section 98 state "employees have the power to negotiate their working contract".

By law WIFOL must acquire 48 votes in order to be recognised by management as the representative of the employees. Out of 94 employees 73 exercised their right to vote. 61 workers voted for the WIFOL and 12 workers voted for no union representation.

The workers exercised their rights by voting for WIFOL according the release. WIFOL will now negotiate a Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) which will outline the workers’ rights to decent work.

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