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Four suspects arrested/Shots fired

kpsmlogo21082014PHILIPSBURG:--- Based on ongoing investigations of several cases and information gathered by the Detective Special Robbery unit, on Tuesday June 30th at approximately 04.50 a.m., a raid was done at least two homes in Cole Bay. The raid was done with the assistance of the Police Arrest Team because of danger that was involved. At the home of a 32 year old male suspect two shots were fired at the Arrest Team, however the team managed to arrest the suspect without firing back. A female suspect was also arrested at that home. As the investigation continued at another home close by, two other male suspects were arrested. All suspects in question were arrested for crimes ranging from drug trafficking, armed robbery, illegal firearm possession and attempted murder. During a search at these premises drugs and fire-arms were found and confiscated for further investigation. All four suspects were taken to the Philipsburg Police Head quarters where they remain in custody for further investigation. No one was injured during the raid.


KPSM Police Report

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