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How Credible is MP Leona Marlin? Problems brewing in Government.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament Leona Marlin Romeo in a radio interview on Tuesday said that the current coalition government is in-tact and that she is not part of any complot to break the UPP/De Weever/LMR/USP coalition government. After listening to the radio interview the first question that comes to mind is if MP Romeo Marlin is the spokesperson for the current coalition. Secondly, one must ask themselves how credible is the Independent Member of Parliament who told reporters on September 5th 2014 that she will be standing beside her party leader MP Frans Richardson come 2018. She admitted that she had some concerns about things her party leader did back then and further stated that “people can throw her to the wolves but she will return leading the pack.” Days later Romeo Marlin left the USP and joined the UPP as was reported on SMN News.
Romeo Marlin blasted the blogs especially SMN News who broke the story that she was contemplating to leave the USP to join the UPP. On Tuesday Romeo Marlin again blasted the blogs for writing what she perceived as being untrue. She said people and possible investors are reading what is written on the blogs but somehow MP Romeo Marlin did not touch on the fact that one of the candidates she ran with on the USP slate is the one that announced Tuesday night on SOS radio “Online Program” by Fernando Clark that the government had fallen. Seemingly MP Romeo Marlin does not know that all programs on SOS radio are streamed live online.
While the information released Tuesday night maybe premature, it is clear that the current coalition are having some serious problems and sooner or later this government will fall.
It is already speculated that within the other month or so, there will be another government in place which is most likely a ‘national government”.
MP Franklin Meyers said on Oral Gibbs show that they were having problems with their own coalition members and instead of working for the country they were busy putting out fires within the government. MP Meyers even said that some members of the coalition went to Curacao and they were busy forming a government there.
Another observation made over the past months is that MP Maurice Lake have been criticizing his own government and even posing questions to them publicly. Last weekend and even on Tuesday MP Lake was busy trying to secure help for an elderly man that lives in the St. Peters area in a house without roof. The man lost his house roof during the passing of hurricane Gonzalo. MP Lake contacted Taliesin construction to seek assistance for the elderly man who has been sleeping in his car while the Ministry of VROMI has done nothing to assist the elderly and sick man.
Lake most recently questioned food prices on the Dutch side compared to the French side.
MP Silvio Matser is another Member of Parliament who is fully dissatisfied with how government is functioning. He made public statements saying that his party were not working in the interest of the people, instead they were busy taking care of themselves.
MP Lloyd Richardson also shared sentiments of discomfort but he is not speaking out loud about his concerns, so while MP Leona Marlin Romeo wants to deny that St. Maarten does have some real problems brewing in government she would be better off reading the most recent integrity report that was also published on SMN News.

Click here to read and listen to MP Leona Marlin Romeo and her then Party leader Frans Richardson.

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