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The Role and Responsibility of Men in Preventing Domestic Violence—Keith Carlo.

Philipsburg:---For men to be able to take any kind of responsibility for preventing domestic violence, men first have to retreat with other men and together re-define or redesign their whole socialization.

This will not be an easy process, at all. This whole thing of re-defining or re-designing the roles that men have been taught to play during their socialization of how to become a man, what it is to be a man, is a very painful down-hill reflexion process.
I think that for most men climbing and conquering the top of the Mount Everest will be much easier.
But still this reflexion process, this detoxing process is so much significance for men in finding back "our" place in the world and to be able to prevent domestic violence.
It is during this liberating process that men will have to deal with different kind of relationships such as, relationship with himself, with time, with his father and mother, with other men, with his woman, with his children and last but not least, his relationship with God.

This is a self liberating process in which nobody can help ‘the' man but himself.
How many men are racing on the surface of their lives without realizing that they are running out of energy and that their soul is in need of repair?
In other words, how to teach making aware a man how to slow down and to rethink what he is doing to himself?

I have been mentioning the word ‘man' a lot up to now but what is a man? Who is this man..?
And this is now precisely where trouble starts.
You can ask different groups of men and you will get different answers. And please don't even try to ask women what manhood means.
Because you'll get answers as diverse as the shoes they have in their closets or the stars in the sky.

Is manhood sexual development? Is manhood the destination beyond puberty? Is manhood having a job and being responsible? Is manhood the development of the intellectual properties in each of us?

And from a spiritual point of view:
Is manhood reached when a man has achieved God's purpose for his life? Is there a higher level of manhood anyway than fulfilling the role God has created for man?
Is there anyone among us who can say that they have mastered The Master's plan? Is out there a man of perfection? Nevertheless all of us still will have to move toward what God wants us to be. !!

I will end with a spiritual variation on the statement I started with, and that is;
That real prevention of domestic violence will start when a man realizes who he is, what he has meant to be and that he has a purpose in his life that is uniquely his own.

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