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NA extends condolences on the passing of Officer Gamali Benjamin.

nalogo24062014PHILIPSBURG:--- On behalf of the National Alliance family I taken the time to extend deepest sympathy and condolences to the family, colleagues, loved ones and friends of our brave fallen Officer Gamali Benjamin, who was tragically and mercilessly cut down in the prime of his life. Officer Benjamin epitomised the model of the respectable, humble, hardworking and respected officer of the law.
He executed his duty in protecting us and upholding the laws of the land with integrity, passion and compassion for his fellow man, woman and children; therefore Officer Benjamin stands tall in our hearts, minds and the Nation as a Hero.
The loss of such a great person will take a toll on especially his young family and the colleagues with whom he worked daily. I pray for strength and faith that they will trust in God who is always there for us in our darkest hour and can sustain us when we can no longer go on. We pray for Peace and Justice in St. Maarten. As emotional as we may feel, let us allow justice to taken its course. Where we feel justice is insufficient let us address the laws that need to be changed and do so.
We pray for all levels of government, of which we are a part of the legislative branch, to take the necessary actions to minimize the possibility of reoccurrence of such a senseless act, to secure finances for the necessities, ensure opportunity for development and progress for all and to eradicate all which contributes to the breakdown in our social fabric and the family which could lead to such a callous act and other callous acts that have been occurring throughout the island.
We pledge to continue to work toward creating a better quality of life for all citizens of St. Maarten.
The blood of Officer Gamali Benjamin shed on the Frontstreet last Wednesday must not be shed in vain. It should have such a profound effect on all our citizens and residents that we feel impelled to do all we can wherever we are to make sure no child or adult feels the need or want to follow in the notorious steps of the perpetrators of this horrible crime.
May God bless the soul of Officer Gamali Benjamin, his family and colleagues and the people of St. Maarten.

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