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Breastfeeding Café a Success .

breastfeedingcafe24082015GREAT BAY (DCOMM):---- The Breastfeeding Café event recently organized by the section Youth Health Care (YHC) from the Department of Collective Prevention Service (CPS), a department in the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, along with stakeholders, was a success.

The café attracted 26 persons including facilitators from different organizations and the staff of CPS/YHC.

There were expecting mothers and mothers who already had a baby and also one expecting father.

The evening was opened by Registered Nurse (RN) Ivanca Woodley-Sterling. The first speakers of the evening were Suzette de Cuba and Suella Sandeson, RN’s at White and Yellow Cross (WYC) district nursing.

They spoke about the benefits of breastfeeding, the importance of the first days and the mother and child care program from WYC.

The next speaker was Sabrina Vrutaal, RN and founder of the Educare Foundation. She spoke about the different positions in which you can breastfeed and about the services Educare Foundation is going to offer the community.

The next speaker was Reeder Newton a breastfeeding mother, sharing her experiences with breastfeeding and the commitment she made to breastfeed exclusively for six months. Newton also spoke about breastfeeding and going back to work and how she did that.

Acting Minister of Public Health Hon. Rita Bourne-Gumbs shared her experiences about breastfeeding her three children.

The final session was carried out by midwife Regina Janga and Gesner Orlando Simon, student midwife. This session touched upon the challenges in breastfeeding and ways to prepare for breastfeeding.

During the evening questions were asked and answered either by the professionals or by the other attending mothers.

At the end of the evening some of the attendees stayed to continue talking about breastfeeding.

The evaluation of the evening showed that the attendees thought the breastfeeding café was informative and that they would attend a next breastfeeding café. Some subjects for next sessions were suggested during the evaluation.

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