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Chamber of Commerce lectures at Sundial School.

cocatsundialschool27082015PHILIPSBURG:--- At the beginning of the new academic year, the Sundial School organizes a series of workshops and excursions for students. The introduction week of activities is a means of bonding between the mentors and students to create a positive atmosphere that will last throughout the new academic year. There was a variety of workshops and activities scheduled for the first week of school for all form one through form four students.

St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry Board of Directors Nzinga Lake and Annuska Illis-Friday conducted an hour long workshop with twenty students of the second form class. Ms. Lake spoke to the students on dressing for success and Mrs. Illis-Friday gave tips on preparing for and follow-up after an interview.

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x