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Strike End Predicted in Guadeloupe, Martinique.

Basseterre: ---Disruptive and sometimes violent general strike in the French Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique could be reaching a conclusion as union leaders and government officials negotiate over cost-of-living expenses and other issues. That would be welcome news to tourist officials in both islands, since the strike has had a serious impact on tourism, including cancellation of Martinique's annual carnival celebration, which was scheduled for Feb. 22-25.
Martinique has been hit less severely than Guadeloupe, but last week some shops in Fort-de-France were looted and cars burned. Island officials point out, however, that police responded quickly to the incident and that it took place far from the island's resorts.
The Guadeloupe strike has lasted six weeks and sparked some violent clashes between protestors and police, with one union leader shot dead. However, a pair of agreements between employers and unions signed last week has some hoping that the labor action is winding down.
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