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Proposed candidate to take up St. Maarten’ seat on the CFT board is Maria Plantz.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The UPP/De Weever/LRM and USP coalition has submitted a name to take up the vacant position on the CFT board. The board of the CFT told members of the media on Thursday that a name has been submitted and appointment of the candidate is the pipeline but the chairman of the  CFT board refused to divulge the name of the candidate stating that it is the government of St. Maarten that has to do such. Age Bakker went as far as stating that the CFT has removed the vacancy sign on their office door which is a clear indication that the candidate St. Maarten proposed has been accepted. Based on research conducted by SMN News it states that the government of St. Maarten submitted the name of prominent St. Maartener who resides in the Netherlands, she is no other than Maria Plantz the former member of the Council of Advice. Plantz is someone that has a wealth of knowledge and will surely represent St. Maarten’s interest in a transparent way on the board of the CFT if and when appointed.

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