Letter sent by the Faction Leaders to Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs.
The letter sent to Prime Minister Gumbs clearly outlined the events that took place on September 30th 2015 when a motion of no confidence was passed in parliament against the entire Council of Ministers. The Faction leaders informed the Prime Minister that based on article 33-2 of the country’s constitution when a motion of no confidence is given against a Minister or Government they are supposed to make their positions available immediately. The letter further states that instead of the Council of Ministers making their positions available they chose to invoke article 59 of the constitution which is to dissolve the parliament of St. Maarten. The letter further stated that the solution to the current crisis is for all Ministers to make their positions available which is in accordance to article 33-2 of the country’s constitution.
They letter continued to state that as soon as they are informed that the Council of Ministers complies with article 33-2 of the constitution they will avail themselves for discussion to ensure a smooth and rapid transition.