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Demonstrators blocked all entrances to Marigot as they Protest against PLU. French Quarter and Grand Case Airport now being blocked (UPDATED)

plublockage22102015Protest will continue, and spread to other areas _--- Committee calling of Population to come out and join the protest in order to preserve their property

Marigot:--- Demonstrators used garbage bins, and motor vehicles to block all entrances to Marigot early Thursday morning as they start their demonstration action against the PLU. Sofia Carty a member of the organizing committee told SMN News that the protestors blocked all entrances leading to Marigot. Blockage was placed on top of Mount Valois Hill, next to the Agrement Round-a-bout, St. James, Low-town and Sandy Ground.
plublockage22102015The only persons that are allowed to enter Marigot are nurses and ambulances. Workers, business owners and school buses cannot enter Marigot due to the blockage. Carty said the committee comprising of 15 persons will be heading towards the Collectivity of St. Martin to meet with elected officials to further discuss the consequences the PLU has on local citizens of St. Martin.
The committee members told SMN News around midday on Thursday that the protest action will continue and they will begin spreading out by blocking all access entrances to the French side of the island until they get what they want from the elected officials of the Collectivity. Carty said that during the meeting with elected officials on Thursday, the elected officials do not want to stop the PLU law they intend to implement on St. Martin. Carty said the committee which consists of members from the various community councils want the PLU stopped immediately, and that the elected officials must start over the process, one of their demands is that elected officials start by fully informing the people about the PLU. Carty made a strong call to the residents on French St. Martin to come out in full forces and join the protest action since the PLU will affect all local citizens especially landowners on St. Martin.

The protestors are busy putting up blockage in Grand Case, and French Quarter as they begin spreading out. Residents of these areas are asked to join the protest action immediately. Carty said that they understand that visitors to the island might suffer because they will be blocked in on the French side and miss their cruise ships, however, she said that at this particular moment  they will leave the Oyster Pond border open in order for taxi drivers to take the tourists they have with them back to the French side. Carty did not say how long they will leave the French Quarter border open but she made clear that the issue affecting St. Martin people is on the front burner and unless the elected officials decide to stop the PLU and go back to the drawing board they will not stop the protest action and the blocking of all entrances to leading to the French side of the island.

Senator Guillaume Arnel has half an hour to grant Committee what they want. Protestors Blocking Grand Case Airport

Residents of French St. Martin and those organizing the protest against the PLU means business as they already spread out to several areas on the French side where they placed huge blockage.
Sofia Carty told SMN News that the committee is now blocking the L’Esperance Airport by 2pm and they will give Senator/ First Vice President Guillaume Arnel half an hour to grant them their wishes before they shut down the entire French side. Arnel she said is on an Air France flight coming back from France to meet with the committee that is protesting the PLU law.

Click here to view more photos of the demonstration taking place in Marigot against the implementation of the PLU on St. Martin




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