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Another Armed Robbery Committed.

Simpson Bay: -- Police responded to an armed robbery which was committed on Monday December 1 around 4am in the morning. Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson said detectives of the Special Robbery Unit were directed to a home on the Sister Modesta Street in Simpsonbay, where shortly before two armed men had forced themselves into that home and committed an armed robbery.
Henson said the home consisted of several bedrooms of which all of them at the time of robbery were occupied by grownups and children. Some five grown persons that were in that home at the time of the robbery, according to statements, were violently treated and threatened by the robbers with their guns.
Several of the victims were tied-up and taken from one room to the next and robbed of their belongings which include laptop computers, cellular telephones and cash. During the robbery one of the victims was struck to the back of his head with the butt of a gun and had to be transported by ambulance to the St. Maarten Medical center for treatment. Luckily the children that were in the home slept through the whole ordeal and did not witness or experienced the incident, Henson said. After committing the robbery, both robbers locked the victims in one of the bedroom. They then fled the scene with the stolen items. The case is been investigated by the Special Robbery Unit.
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