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georgepantophletPhilipsburg:---National Alliance councilman George Pantophlet says that the Democratic Party executive council is hiding behind the Rules, the Rules of Order that is. It has been years now since the changes to the Rules of Order have been under discussion.
On Tuesday December 2, 2008 the faction of the National Alliance submitted some 18 questions to the chairman of the executive council seeking answers and clarification on the letter signed by the independent councilman/ non active commissioner Louie Laveist supporting an executive council of 4. A public meeting including this agenda point and the report of the general auditing chamber on the financial accounts of the years 2002 until 2005 has been convened for Wednesday December 8, 2008 at 10:a.m. "The reason why I mentioned that the Democratic Party executive council is hiding behind the rules of order has to do with the fact that we have not received a written nor a verbal response to the questions posed." Pantophlet said.
The Rules of Order state in article 42 states as follows:
1. Every member can without permission of the island council submit to the executive council written questions. These questions must be, briefly and clearly formulated, submitted to the chairman.
2. If the executive council has preponderant objections towards answering these questions it so informs the member concerned in writing, stating the reasons.
3. If the executive council has no objections against answering, it submits its answers in writing as soon as possible to the island council.
"Yesterday Monday December 8, 2008 we have not received a written or a verbal response from the executive council stating that they have objections towards answering the questions. Sub 3 of article 43 talks about as soon as possible. I tried finding a definition for it in the dictionary but there is none and am sure the executive council knows this and are hiding behind the rules." The island councilman concluded.
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