Families and individuals observe the traditions of sharing gifts around this time of year, with many others sharing a guava berry, a coconut tart and whatever else is on the menu. Good times with family and friends, some visiting from abroad is most common.
The many ways in which residents of St. Maarten mark this holiday season are as diverse as the cultural backgrounds that make our island so rich and energetic.
No matter how we celebrate this season of giving or marking the New Year, it is important that we all take time to remember the millions of people around the world who are forced to cope with the horrors of hunger, war and disaster.
We are called upon to reflect on the true meaning of this season and how we can make a difference to our island, our community and to ourselves.
We might do well to consider the alternatives to the traditional Christmas gift exchange.
Let me make use of this opportunity and mention two alternatives that are definitely worth considering, and these are:
• Showing charity and respect to all, throughout the year, and not just during this festive season.
• Being a good example and role model to each and every child in our community.
May we never cease to appreciate that it is also a time to count our blessings since we, and as St. Maarten residents, share many personal freedoms, opportunity and an island of tremendous natural beauty.
And so, my wife Angela, my children Keshia and Joaquim, as well as all members of my cabinet, join me in extending, to you, and to all of your loved ones, joyful holidays.