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Seminar employment law by prof. Sagel on four islands simultaneously.

vanepsseminar28042016PHILIPSBURG:--- A special employment law seminar last Monday, 25 April, at law firm VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne: by video conference, prof. Stefan Sagel addressed lawyers and clients on four islands – Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, and St. Maarten – simultaneously. Sagel, professor employment law at the University of Leiden and partner with De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, updated the attendants on the four islands on current developments in employment law.
Prof. Sagel was located in the office in Bonaire. From here, he discussed multiple topics with the employment team of VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne, among which new changes in the right to strike. He discussed relevant and recent rulings and gave the lawyers practical leads and tricks for the litigation practice. For the second part of the afternoon, clients on all islands joined in. With this group, prof. Sagel discussed instant dismissal. Prof. Sagel said: “It was special to be able to address four islands simultaneously via de video conferencing system, and rewarding to receive positive feedback of both lawyers as well as clients.”
VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne’s employment law team is led by counsel Kimberley de l’Isle, together with partner Molly Steward. Kimberley de l’Isle comments: “We are very enthusiastic that an expert such as professor Sagel could free some time for us and our clients. He is one of the top employment law lawyers in the Netherlands and has extensive experience in the legal practice. During this seminar, he could share part of this experience with us. With the knowledge gained, our clients can work more independently and we can further improve our services regarding work that requires our advice and assistance. Our goal is to permanently add value by, for example, sharing know-how in this and in other ways.”
After the seminar, clients and lawyers of the firm gathered on all islands to evaluate while enjoying a snack and a drink. VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne is looking to repeat this concept periodically, and also follows up on this seminar with individual workshops tailored to the clients’ needs.

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