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Decolonization Committee.

PHILIPSBURG:---I believe MP Cornelius de Weever got a little overzealous when he suggested placing the matter of reinstating St. Maarten on the UN's list of non-self governing territories on the IPKO agenda for next week. A move promptly endorsed by MP Meyers. This basically means re-listing St. Maarten as a colony.
For starters, the IPKO agenda is determined by consensus of all 4 parliaments.
More importantly however is the fact that in the context this proposal was brought by the Independence for St. Maarten Foundation, the reinstatement is to "facilitate international support for our quest for political freedom".
This decision on political freedom (independence) however is one yet to be taken by the people of St. Maarten.
The parliament in my opinion therefore is not (yet) in any position to lobby reinstatement of St. Maarten in the UN listing of non-self-governing territories.
So I caution against, even with our Curacao and Aruba counterparts, presenting this issue as one agreed to by the parliament and people of St. Maarten.
Again, in my opinion, 6 years of country status are insufficient to start on a new political process.
Not only that, but the many challenges ahead require our best efforts and undivided attention.
One of those challenges is the devising of a roadmap to take St. Maarten to the next stage of its development. A roadmap, I again emphasize, that should place a lot of emphasis on nation building, inclusion and social cohesion.

Sarah Wescot-Williams, MP (DP)

Would the opposition have a quorum?

The meeting requested by all 7 opposition members on vote-buying is scheduled for tomorrow Monday, at 2 pm. The Minister of Justice has been invited to this public meeting.
Imagine if the coalition of Eight would adopt the attitude of the Opposition and see how they could ever get a quorum for any meeting they request.
Again I stress, the business of Parliament is every MP's individual responsibility to the people of St. Maarten.
Walking out of a meeting is an embarrassment to those very same people, all MPs profess to care for.
By the way, a request for a roll call is not necessary to take a "head count". If there is not a majority of members in the meeting, the chairperson confirms this by a roll call and adjourns the meeting if a majority is not present.

Kind regards
Sarah Wescot, MP (DP)

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