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PORT-DE-PlAISANCE----- The effect of the regional and global economic impact has the full attention of the Parliaments of the Netherlands Antilles, Aruba and the National Assembly Suriname. According to the President of the Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles "this is something that we have to monitor closely."
He stressed that even though there is not any development of any strong economic development over a number of years there is need for caution in the near future so that the world economic crisis does not develop into a slowdown of the economy. He called on the governments to look at economic development projects in several countries and also that the Central Banks must have a "close supervisory look at the financial and development of the countries."
There was also a discussion on obesity which is said to be prevalent in the countries and sees this as a problem that is affecting the entire population of our countries. He said in an investigation that was done it was proved that about 63% of the population was obese and as a result they have concluded that it is important for the people recognize that they have a problem.
He said that the Minister of Health Omyra Leeflang in her presentation spoke of encouraging the population to move and eat healthy.


The matter of Global Warming also came up for discussion during the Tripartite meeting. According to the president of Parliament there were very enlightening discussions on the matter. He indicated that the delegations who attended the sessions were very concerned about the climate change and is in favour of regional co-operation of mutual respect since the global warming is not a natural phenomenal.
If nothing is done by the present administrations by the year 2100 the air temperature will rise between 1.4 degrees to 4 degrees Celsius and in some parts of the world there will be no rainfall and in some areas there will be flooding. It was also reported that the sea level will rise to as much as 80 centimetres and as result will have serious consequences for the islands in the Caribbean Sea.

It was decided that they will adopt the recommendations by the experts in the inter-governmental panel on climate change that is expected work with the recommendations for a policy. They are urging the governments to install a committee in all the countries of the Netherlands Antilles, Aruba and Suriname to come out with a policy for climate change and participate in the inter-governmental forums on solutions and are cognizant of the fact that they alone cannot make the change.
"This is the only way that the countries in the world can come up with solutions for the world that we can live in for generations to come. It was decided that in the next Tripartite meeting that they will further discuss this matter.

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