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Police receives new hand held radios.

policeradios22072016PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday July 22nd the Minister of Justice Edson Kirindongo received the long awaited hand-held police radios from ZENITEL. These radios were presented to the minister by Zenitel’s representative Albert Kemper, who stated that he is very honored on behalf of ZENITEL to hand over these radios to minister for the use by the police. He also stated that these radios will be replaced by the outdated ones the police presently have in use.
The Minister of Justice then proudly handed over these radios to the Police chief Carl John and stated that these radios should be put the good use; because without communication you are no where. The police gladly accepted the radios and stated that the radios are definitely needed and will be put to good use.

KPSM Police Report.

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