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Deputy Leader of UP lied on landfill fire expenses, one bill submitted and still not approved.

landfillfires28042016PHILIPSBURG:--- Deputy leader of the UP party said in a newspaper article that the Ministry of VROMI paid out over NAF3M to cover the cost of the 19 fires that occurred on the landfill.
SMN News contacted the Minister of VROMI for a comment on the statements made by the deputy leader of the UP knowing that the statements (article) is misleading and has blatant lies.
Based on information SMN News obtained the contractor Robelto and Sons only submitted one bill to the department of VROMI which amounts to NAF. 148, 500.00 and that bill has not yet been approved or paid.
In an invited comment, Minister of VROMI Angel Meyers confirmed that he received one bill with the amount mentioned above and that bill has not yet been approved neither was it paid.


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